St Benedict’s College OBA of NSW Inc Presents – A Night of Hope – Sydney event – 9th July 2022 St Benedict’s College OBA of NSW Inc presented “A Night of Hope (Sydney event)” on the 9th July 2022 at the Cherrybrook Community Hall to support their retired Teachers. The band Cazcade lead by Yohan Pathinather & Pius Miranda was superb, brilliantly supported by the most famous Old Bens singer / musician Trevine! who provided a superb night full of entertainment and Fun!. The auction was well managed by none other than Sydney’s famous MC; “MC Duke” who assisted masterfully to rasied the much deserved funds for the retired teachers!. MC Duke was well supported by the MCs’ Sherwell Fernando & Padmini Pathinather! Buffet Style Dinner catered by Flavours of Ceylon was ‘as always’ brilliant with Wine and Scotch on the table. Enjoy the short clips of video put together ...

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