History of Festival of Cricket UK – By Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam  Concept of conducting a cricket tournament among old boys associations in the UK was the brain child of GC Perera of Ananda, whose proposal was accepted by his OBA and intimated to other OBAs. Thus the first event was started in 1989 with the participation of six OBAs viz, Ananda, Royal, St. Anthony’s, St. Peter’s. St. Thomas’ and Trinity. It is the biggest sporting event among the Srilanka community outside their motherland. It offers them a day of entertainment in the form of food, music and funfair in addition to watching cricket. It brings together people of varying interest, and gives the opportunity for them to meet with their old school mates and friends. Surplus funds collected from the event is distributed equitably among the participating OBAs to be used for the welfare of their parent school in Srilanka. ...

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