Dr Wilfred S. E. Perera: Tutor & Guide Extraordinary … & Reaching 90-by Sudheera Uduwela Source:Thuppahis Sudheera Uduwela, in Daily News in 2013  …. now sent to Thuppahi by LK Hettiarachchi …. while the title is a Thuppahi Intervention Professor Wilfred S.E. Perera, our beloved guru and mentor and a leading light in the field of maternal and gynaecological care in Sri Lanka for well over four decades, celebrated his 90th birthday on June 15. The humble and unpretentious great man did so amongst his close-knit family, friends and grateful students, who cherish the privilege of being tutored by an extraordinary man of knowledge, talent, kindness and humility. The Prof had his primary education at St. Aloysius College, Galle. Both his parents were teachers and the ethics of hard work and discipline were instilled early in him and his siblings. His dedication for learning was such that, as he later recalled, when home lights were ...

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Galle’s Eternal Charm-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis Bandu de Silva, a reprint from The Island, 26 August 2012 … A Review Article on Galle As Quiet as Asleep by Norah Roberts The title Galle as Quiet as Sleep made me reflect for a long time. I asked myself how this title could fit in. Finally, I reconciled myself to it. Yes, Galle’s heritage is a quiet one. The people of Galle as Norah Roberts will tell us made their contributions quietly. Even now, the town after dusk or at early dawn is so calm and placid that one does not get the feeling of being in a big city. Certainly not like Kandy which has lost its old charm. Kaluwella with its old Kittange with the Kovil adjoining it still reminds one of the 19th century or early 20th century. One could still have a glass of plain tea served by ...

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Nigel Kerner: An Unique Note on Web well before he passed away-by Michael Roberts   Source:Thuppahis Studied at Saint Aloysius College during 1950/1960s. Nigel Kerner is an author and freelance journalist. He was born in Sri Lanka, his mother from a British planting family and his father an officer in the British Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. This international family base provided the background for an obsessive and serious interest in international human affairs and how these interface with science, religion and philosophy. He has felt driven, from his young years, to expose the humbug and hypocrisy in modern scientific and religious and social thinking. His formal graduate education is in biomedical science and human behavioural psychology. ...

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Former SL ruggerite passes away in US Dharmasiri Perera Source:Dailynews Former Police and Sri Lanka scrum half K. D. D. Sunil Dharmasiri Perera who was domiciled in the US, has passed away. An old boy of St. Aloysius’ College, Ratnapura and Mahabodhi Vidyalaya, Colombo 10, Perera who retired as a Sub-Inspector, represented Sri Lanka at the 1972 Rugby Asiad in Hong Kong along with four of his Police mates Anton Benedict, Nizam Hajireen, late Daya Jayasundara and Bandula Wijesinghe. ...

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WALTER PERUMAL TRIBUTE He had all the hallmarks of an excellent hotelier Walter Perumal, the genial hotelier passed away on September 1, at the age of 70 years in Melbourne, Australia. Walter was a past pupil of St. Joseph’s College, Colombo and St Aloysius College, Galle where he excelled, among other things,in cricket. My friendship with Walter began when he joined the Ceylon Hotel School in 1969 – the boy from the south joining some of the boys from the rest of the country. Walter embedded in the crowd like duck to water. In happier times, we were living at the Hotel School hostel, the historic house, ‘Sefton’ at No. 78,Stuart Place opposite present-day Cinnamon Grand on the sea side. There were no differences between seniors and juniors, as we all lived under one roof. The Sefton is no more.   ...

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