Aggala – Sweet Rice Flour Balls – By Malsha – eLanka Ingredients: 1/4 measure kithul treacle 1/2 measure roasted rice flour Salt Pepper Instructions: Prepare the Coating: Reserve one-fourth of the roasted rice flour in a bowl for coating the aggala later. Thicken the Treacle: In a sauté pan, boil the kithul treacle over medium heat until it thickens. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to the thickened treacle. Remove the pan from the heat. Combine Ingredients: Add the remaining roasted rice flour to the thickened treacle. Mix well until the mixture becomes slightly sticky. Form the Balls: Once the mixture has cooled enough to handle, form it into balls about 3/4″ to 1″ in diameter. Roll the balls in the reserved roasted rice flour to coat them evenly. Enjoy the aggala after a meal or during tea time.   Click here to receive your free copy of the ...

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