Sri Lanka holds first ever fashion and textile tradeshow in UK Source:FT The High Commission of Sri Lanka in the United Kingdom in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB), Sri Lanka Apparel Sourcing Association (SLASA), and Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF), proudly presented the ‘Sourced Sri Lanka’ Fashion and Textile Tradeshow on 17 -18 June at the Royal Horticultural Hall in London. This landmark event, the first of its kind in the UK, showcased the best of Sri Lankan fashion and textiles with 80 exhibiting stalls. The event provided a unique platform for UK buyers and fashion enthusiasts to engage directly with Sri Lankan manufacturers and designers. Highlights included a fashion show, the launch of “Your Vital Island” by High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in the United Kingdom Rohitha Bogollagama, and a panel discussion led by industry leaders and experts on the values and sustainability of Sri Lanka’s ...

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Dettol launches its latest skincare innovation with Sri Lanka’s first influencer ramp walk at ‘Beauty Pink Night’ 19th June 2024, Colombo: Dettol, a leading global health and hygiene brand, proudly introduced its latest Skincare soap to the Sri Lankan market with a grand celebration. The launch event, named “Dettol Beauty Pink Night,” was a glamorous affair, featuring Sri Lanka’s first influencer ramp walk. This extraordinary occasion drew some of the country’s most beloved and influential female social media personalities, including Rozanne Diasz, a renowned figure in Sri Lankan fashion and modeling, and Hasini Gunasekara, a prominent beautician and entrepreneur. The event was not only a visual delight but also an insightful gathering where experts shared their knowledge, emphasizing the importance of a proper skincare routine, helping the audience understand how to achieve and maintain healthy skin. The new Dettol Skincare soap features an innovative formula with the addition of argan ...

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