Meera Sodha’s vegan recipe for Sri Lankan cucumber cashew curry Meera Sodha’s Sri Lankan cucumber and cashew curry. Photograph: Louise Hagger/The Guardian. Food styling: Emily Kydd. Prop styling: Jennifer Kay. Source:Theguardian A gentle vegan curry from the subcontinent that manages to retain the cucumber’s innate refreshing qualities.It’s possible that I could count on my fingers and toes how many Brits have cooked a cucumber before. But while we think of it as a British vegetable, the cucumber actually originates in India, where (and in nearby Sri Lanka) it is popularly found cooked, and in a curry in which it retains both its shape and refreshing properties. Today’s recipe is unlike what you might classically think of as a curry: there is no fire or loud flavours here; this is a gentle, uncomplicated and soothing dish, much like a walk in the gardens of Samarkanda, a tea plantation near Galle, where I ...

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