Op-Ed: Australia-Sri Lanka – a gold standard partnership that stands the test of time. Op-Ed: Australia-Sri Lanka – a gold standard partnership that stands the test of time. Rear Admiral Justin Jones CSC RAN, Commander of the Joint Agency Task Force Operation Sovereign Borders and Lucienne Manton, Australia’s People Smuggling and Human Trafficking Ambassador recently travelled to Sri Lanka for a number of high level and working level meetings. They summarise their trip and recent engagements with their Sri Lankan counterparts. Great friendships are built upon a bedrock of trust, shared values and providing support to one another. Such was the case during our visit to Sri Lanka from 30 August to 1 September – a trip that reaffirmed the deep ties that exist between our two countries, forged 75 years ago. It is a relationship that has grown from strength to strength. As a long-standing friend, Australia is supporting ...

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