Coconut- an Asian dietary essential- was bashed again by Western researchers, despite its increasing popularity in the West. – By Harold Gunatillake In the fifties, sixties and before, our coconut properties, belonging to the private landowners and companies, paid particular attention to fertilising the coconut trees, and the production was sufficient for the local population and exports as copra for our foreign currency earnings. The trees were big and healthy looking. Coconut plantations flourished in the Sri Lankan coasts from Chilaw to Matara in the post- Anuradhapura period. In the 15th century, King Parakramabahu VI gifted a coconut plantation to the Thotagamuwe Vijayaba Pirivena. Spanish and Portuguese explorers coined the name coconut in the 16th century. We were proud then of our coconut growth, including rubber and tea plantations, the main products that gave us sufficient foreign exchange. Then, in 1972 – The land Reform Act was introduced with political ...

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Coconut- an Asian dietary essentialwas bashed again by Western researchers, despite its increasing popularity in the West. – By Dr Harold Gunatillake In the fifties, sixties and before, our coconut properties, belonging to the private landowners and companies, paid particular attention to fertilising the coconut trees, and the production was sufficient for the local population and exports as copra for our foreign currency earnings. The trees were big and healthy looking. Coconut plantations flourished in the Sri Lankan coasts from Chilaw to Matara in the post- Anuradhapura period. In the 15th century, King Parakramabahu VI gifted a coconut plantation to the Thotagamuwe Vijayaba Pirivena. Spanish and Portuguese explorers coined the name coconut in the 16th century. We were proud then of our coconut growth, including rubber and tea plantations, the main products that gave us sufficient foreign exchange. Then, in 1972 – The land Reform Act was introduced with political ...

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Ceylon Tea named as Official Tea Supplier for Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Source:Dailymirror Ceylon Tea, widely considered by many as the finest in the world and with a rich history dating back more than a century and a half, has been named as the Official Tea Supplier for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.  The Sri Lanka Tea Board has officially engaged in an agreement with the Games’ organising committee to provide Ceylon Tea for the athletes, officials, ancillary providers and guests at the Birmingham 2022 Athlete Villages. To facilitate the arrangement, the leading suppliers of the Ceylon Tea brand to the global market – namely Dilmah Tea and English Tea Shop, have come forward to offer their finest blends to those involved in Birmingham 2022 throughout the Games.  ...

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Sri Lanka aims for the cleanest tea in the world-by Dan Bolton Sri Lanka Tea Board sales outlet Source:Dailynews A green revolution comes with curbs on synthetic fertilizers, pesticides: Growers in Sri Lanka are furious at government officials who essentially cut off the supply of fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides in a broad and controversial edict to make tea grown there pristine and profitable. The programme is expansive, addressing cultivation on depleted soil, ageing stock, labour issues, domestic consumption, and export. Fertilizers are a flashpoint as delays prevented May delivery to smallholders. Kehel Gunanthna, president of a smallholders’ association, told the Business Times that it will take five years to transition plants from synthetic to organic fertilizer. He predicted quality and yield will decline, endangering the country’s exports. Maintaining high tea export volumes is essential for Sri Lanka, a country of 22 million that produces a 100 times more tea than ...

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The e-auction solution for tea after 1880: Transforming how tea is bought and sold in Sri Lanka Brewing up change under COVID-19:  A cloud-based auction system keeps buyers and sellers socially distanced, safeguards a 150-year-old industry, and protects the livelihoods of almost two million people Boil the kettle, fill the pot, and raise a celebratory cup. Sri Lanka’s renowned tea industry has just dodged a potentially devastating COVID-19 shutdown by swapping 19th-century tradition with 21st-century digital innovation. Within a matter of days, industry leaders were able to deploy a virtual e-auction system that keeps buyers and sellers of the world’s favourite beverage safely apart and socially distanced. Thanks to the agility and security of the cloud, they can stay still do business away from their usually crowded sales halls. And that, in turn, safeguards the livelihoods of almost two million people who rely on tea growing, production, and exports. Tropical Sri Lanka, known as Ceylon in British colonial ...

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