Does Sri Lanka have a balanced Foreign Policy with China? By Arundathie Abeysinghe Sri Lanka’s foreign policy challenges come to the forefront as it struggles with the complicated dynamics of maintaining neutrality whilst participating in economic cooperation with powerful states, especially China. Long-term lease of Hambantota Port, presence of Chinese submarines “Shi Yan-6” in October 2023 and ‘Yuan Wang-5’ in August 2022 including plans for a Chinese radar base are major issues which raise questions regarding the foreign policy of the island nation. Neighboring countries, including India is agonized that ports in Sri Lanka could become pit-stops for Chinese vessels to re-stock supplies and fuel. Is Sri Lanka caught up in a strategic port deal with China? After struggling for many years to repay the massive loan obtained by the Rajapakse regime, in 2017, Sirisena-Ranil government handed over the port to China on a 99-year lease. During the handing-over ceremony ...

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