UNIQUE SRI LANKA LIBRARY An unique library on Sri Lanka, perhaps the only one of its kind overseas, exists in Melbourne, Australia. This library was begun by Victor Melder in 1968, when he migrated to Australia. Victor, who had only one book with him then, has today accumulated over 7,00 books, 2000 magazines and journals  and a collection of video and audio tapes all on Sri Lanka. Victor, who grew up in a village in Peradeniya, states he has savoured village life to its fullest and attributes this to be the cause of his unpretentious love for his motherland. This love, admiration and respect for this beautiful island is something he wishes to share with everyone alike in Australia. This is what gave birth to the ‘Victor Melder Sri Lanka Library’, which today is used by many Australiawide, as a primary source of reference on Sri Lanka. In 1968, Victor ...

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Sri Lanka High Commission in Canberra celebrates Vesak 2023 Source : slhcaust Celebrating Vesak, the High Commission of Sri Lanka in Canberra organized a dhamma program to commemorate the birth, the enlightenment and the passing away of Lord Buddha under the theme “Serenity of the Mind” at the High Commission on 13 May 2023, with the participation of the staff and their families. On the invitation of the High Commission, the Chief Incumbent of the Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara in Canberra Venerable Aparelle Soratha Thero conducted the buddhavandana and dhammadeshana. High Commissioner Chitranganee Wagiswara highlighted the importance of “Vesak“ to Buddhists all over the world and spoke on the value of serenity of the mind for our lives followed by reading the Vesak Day message of the President Ranil Wickremesinghe. The Prime Minister’s message was read by Deputy High Commissioner Chamari Rodrigo. The High Commission was illuminated with colourful Vesak lanterns ...

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