FSOQ: Urgent ICU beds campaign URGENT & IMPORTANT Intensive Care Units (ICU wards) of Government Hospitals treating Critical COVID Patients in Sri Lanka IMMEDIATELY REQUIRE HOSPITAL BEDS FSOQ with its member organizations has secured 350 electrically operated hospital beds from Queensland Health. We are seeking your support to bear the shipping cost. You can invest either in a bed or more at $50 per bed Pl direct your donations to Federation of Sri Lankan Organisations of Queensland Inc Bank; Suncorp bank BSB: 484 799 Account no: 506 548 040 Deposit reference; BEDS /Your name Followed by email to treasurer FSOQ nandasirit@gmail.com For further info: Jayantha Pathikirikorale: 0412 438 283 Jayantha Weerasekera 0422 368 851 FSOQ Member organizations Sinhala association of Queensland, Sri Lanka Society of Queensland, Radio4EB Sri Lankan group, Sri Lanka Sports Association in Queensland, SPUR Queensland, Silver Fawn Club, Sri Lanka Ex-servicemen Association, Sri Lanka Australia Friendship Association ...

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