Women in Management, IFC launch 11th Professional and Career Women Awards, promoting resilient business leadership in Sri Lankan women   Colombo, Sri Lanka, September 28, 2021—Marking its 11th year of honoring inspiring Sri Lankan women, Women in Management (WIM), in collaboration with Women in Work, a partnership between IFC and the government of Australia, today opened nominations for the ‘Top 50’ Professional and Career Women Awards 2021. This will be IFC’s seventh consecutive year – fourth under the IFC-DFAT Women in Work program – in co-hosting the awards, which recognizes and celebrates Sri Lankan women who have excelled in their careers, businesses, and everyday life, inspiring others. Spanning over a decade, the ‘Top50’ Professional and Career Women Awards has recognized over 470 Sri Lankan women representing a wide array of professions, including banking and finance, hospitality, media, legal, logistics, and supply chains. ...

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