Situlpauwa, Veddas, building a bungalow at Thenaddi Bay on idyllic East coast Source : island Excerpted from te authorized biography of Thilo Hoffmann by Douglas B. Ranasinghe (Continued from last week) : Thilo continues: “The Ven. Bhikkhu Sumedha, a long-time friend who had grown up in Switzerland, spent his early hermit years as a Buddhist monk at Situlpauwa and at the top of Vedahitikanda. He later obtained higher ordination, and died in Kandy in 2006. On his occasional visits to Colombo, dana was regularly offered at our house. Situlpauwa was then a jungle-covered site with only an occasional hermit monk in residence, and wildlife roaming freely through it. Today, as a result of restoration and development, the jungle has given way to concrete, electric lights, noise and commerce.” During his time in Sri Lanka Thilo has been dismayed to witness such change, in diverse ways, at countless holy and historical places. ...

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