THE HON DAVID COLEMAN MP MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION, CITIZENSHIP, MIGRANT SERVICES AND MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS SENATOR THE HON SIMON BIRMINGHAM MINISTER FOR TRADE, TOURISM AND INVESTMENT MEDIA RELEASE 25 September 2019 MORE WORKING HOLIDAY MAKERS SUPPORTING REGIONAL AREAS Regional businesses are benefiting from a 20 per cent increase in the number of working holiday makers supporting regional areas. 43,219 second year visas were granted under the Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program last financial year – 7,000 more than the previous year. Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, David Coleman said only working holiday makers who complete three months of specified work in a regional area could access the second WHM visa. “That’s 7,000 more young people picking crops, milking cows, shearing sheep and supporting tourism in regional Australia,” Mr Coleman said. “We know there are some jobs in regional Australia that aren’t being filled by Australian ...

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