Silent killer of dogs Source:Island In 1987, a street litter of a month-old puppies, being fed by me, started dying at an alarming rate. The splotches of blood in their stools were diagnosed as parasitic worms. The ill-informed vet immediately gave them deworming tablets (which is a poison) and there was a rapid decline. All the pups died within three days, consumed by severe gastroenteritic haemorrhaging. The killer was the deadly Canine Parvo Virus (CPV). First recognised in the 1970s, CPV is now in epidemic form. Outbreaks have been reported from all over India. Thousands of pups have died. Since government refuses to give the vaccine and government hospitals do not treat parvo cases, the animal welfare shelters are full and the mortality of these young pups, crowded together, is extremely high. Animals feeders simply do not have the money to give vaccines to the pups and we all stand ...

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