A SHORT INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE FOR AUGUST 2017 EVERYONE HAS A STORY   A 24-year old boy looking out through a train’s window shouted, Dad, look,
 “the trees are going behind; they are moving very fast” his Dad simply 
stared at him with so much joy and smiled! A young couple seated nearby looked at the 24-year old and thought to themselves, he’s so grown up but so childish, he must have a mental disorder for his father not to be bothered. Suddenly the young man exclaimed again; Dad, look, “the clouds are running with us”. The couple could not resist and said to the old man,” why don’t you take your son to a good doctor may be a psychiatrist?” The old man smiled and said I just did. We are just coming from a doctor but not a psychiatrist; we are just coming from the hospital. My son ...

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