The HMS Ceylon was built in Glasgow – by Des Kelly It seems that our esteemed contributor to e’Lanla, Keith Bennett was somewhat surprised to realize that there was indeed a Ship named after our Island in the sun. Well Keith, there was such a Ship, and also, before the Royal Ceylon Navy was “born”, some of our worthy Sailors actually served on her. These individuals went under the title of the Ceylon Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve (C.R.N.V.R.), and most of them transferred to the Royal Ceylon Navy, which was established on the 9th of December, 1950, after the Navy Act was passed by the British, for the formation of what I always prefer to call “The Senior Force”, or the Royal Ceylon Navy. A few years later, the Royal Ceylon Navy was presented with our first real Ship (also from Britain), a Minesweeper, originally named H.M.S. Flying Fish, immediately ...

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