When singing a song became a crime in 1989!-by Nadira Gunatilleke Source:Dailynews There was a dark era in Sri Lanka that male and female journalists, artistes, scholars, heroic members of our Armed Forces, politicians etc. gunned down for doing their official work. During that time reading news as a journalist or singing a song as a singer can be deadly and it was considered as a crime by a certain group of thugs who called themselves rebels. The younger generation of Sri Lanka can find out about this darkest era that existed in Sri Lanka from 1987 to 1992 through the internet, ancient photographs, news reports etc. But the best sources of obtaining reliable details of this darkest era of Sri Lanka are patriotic adults above the age of 63 by now. They saw and heard exactly what took place in Sri Lanka from 1987 to 1992. They are the ...

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