Pakistan provides monetary aid for sports, health President Gotabaya Rajapaksa symbolically receiving the cheques from High Commissioner of Pakistan Major General Muhammad Saad Khattak. Source:Dailynews High Commissioner of Pakistan Major General Muhammad Saad Khattak handed over two cheques worth Rs. 66 million and Rs. 8.027 million to President Gotabaya Rajapksa at a ceremony at the Hunupitiya Gangaramaya Temple last Sunday. Defence Secretary (retired) General G.D.H. Kamal Gunaratne was also present. The amount of Rs. 66 million was announced by Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan during his visit to Sri Lanka in February to promote sports through training and equipment, whereas Rs. 8.027 million was donated to the State Pharmaceutical Corporation of Sri Lanka for relief assistance for COVID 19. ...

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