GOOD TO MEET ….. herewith ROHP info – By Michael Roberts   The cassette tapes containing the Roberts Oral History interviews lodged in the BARR SMITH LIBRARY of the University of Adelaide are now being digitalized into CDs, while the typed correspondence and the transcripts of a few interviews that were transcribed by Shona ROBERTS (way back in the1960s) will be scan-digitalized as well. This process may take till the end of the year 2013. Cheryl Hoskin of the Special Projects Unit is supervising this venture. At the end of the task the University library hopes to place a price on the purchase of this archival material by repositories or even individuals abroad. CONTACT = With info to For the record these interviews and exchanges were undertaken between late 1965 and 1968 in UK and Sri Lanka, with the labour being provided Michael Roberts and the funding by ...

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