Christmas at crossroads Celebrating Christmas 2020 in an era of a pandemic-by Rev. Fr. Leopold Ratnasekera OMI Source:Island Ph.D., Th.D. Oblate Seminary Ampitya’ The worst pandemic ever to hold humanity to ransom since the Spanish Flu of 1918/19 that killed over 50 million people world-wide, has by now come to stay as a devastating health hazard of stunning magnitude and an eerie threat to life on a global scale. The ever-mounting statistics tell us the depressing story of millions of victims who either by now had contracted this deadly virus or hundreds of thousands who have succumbed to it and the challenges that confront medical personnel and health care workers throughout the world, battling both with arresting the decease and bringing healing to those languishing in their care. Meanwhile, the whole world awaits the day when the vaccines being administered so far, will succeed infallibly in preventing this disaster getting ...

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