The Saint of Great Littleness!-by Rev.Fr.Eymard Fernando Source:Dailymirror In a magnificent palace, we may quickly and conveniently feast our eyes on the marble and the stone, the cedar, and the iron. But who thinks of the mortar and the nails? And yet, in the entire architecture, mortar and nails are as important as pillars, columns, beams and the rest of it! Similarly, in the architecture of the world and in the conduct of its affairs, trifles are the mortar and the nails! Real success in self-governance is not found in waiting for some special occasion to exert ourselves, but doing the best that can be done in the circumstances of everyday life. Life teaches us never to wait for that perfect moment. Little things are a better test of character than great things! They come every day; whereas great things do not. When we look at the first three centuries ...

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