“Retirees at the Bar” before lunch on a beautiful day at Arlyia B&B, Foster North, ‘Prom Country’, Victoria, Australia Dear Family and Friends, Just a note to wish you all a Very Happy New Year, and to let you know that our new website is now live, after just over a year in development, following two years of the world’s longest lockdowns here in Victoria! Please feel welcome to share our website link with family and friends as well as favouring us with your thoughts and comments on it, if you wish to, when you have some spare time. Beautiful ‘Prom Country’ in South Gippsland, Victoria, is a great region to visit with plenty of attractions and wonderful people in our communities to welcome you. With our warm regards and best wishes for a wonderful year ahead, Roger and Julia ABACO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD, A.B.N. 85 974 267 845 T/As  Access ...

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