TWO RELIGIONS AND A ROYAL KINGDOM – THE GLORY THAT WAS ANGKOR – By Bernard VanCuylenburg     PROLOGUE. Dr.Henri Mouhot the French Naturalist was doing what he loved best, searching for new species of flora in a leafy green forest which was his passion. Pressing even deeper into a green kingdom glinting with birds of every variety, and  flora and fauna of every description, tropical heat notwithstanding, he set to work with a passion. Suddenly, something in the forest beyond caught his eye. Amid the thickets he and his workers spotted a massive structure that resembled what looked like a temple and colossal stone steps thrown down by trees which had grow between the crevices, and reached a terrace the form of which was impossible to make out. As a guide cleared a path with his machete, they came across another colossal structure half buried in the density of ...

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