Monday, 21 January 2019 FREE SWIM PROGRAM SUPPORTING GRANVILLE REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS Refugees and migrants from Granville will benefit from free swimming lessons thanks to new funding from the Berejiklian Government. Tony Issa welcomed the $90,000 from the Government’s Water Safety Fund Community Grants Program to the Royal Life Saving Society. “The Royal Life Saving Society do a tremendous job in promoting water safety across the State, and I’m confident this new program will equip participants with life-long and life-saving skills,” Mr Issa said. Minister for Emergency Services Troy Grant said community involvement and education is vital to help reduce the number of lives being lost in NSW waterways. “I encourage people to get involved with programs like this one, and make sure you look out for your mates, always assess the conditions, and don’t drink alcohol or take drugs before swimming,” Mr Grant said. Royal Life Saving Society CEO Michael ...

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