Ti mahattaya established art of dubbing in Sri Lanka – Athula Ransirilal-BY RAVINDRA WIJEWARDHANE Source:Sundayobserver The late veteran film maker, editor and the pioneer in television dubbing art in Sri Lanka, Titus Thotawatte’s 10th death anniversary fell on October 15. As the Director of Film and Dubbing Unite at the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, he could present iconic tele-series such as Oshin, Kung Fu, Monkey, Robin of Sherwood, Malgudi Days as dubbed works. There are hundreds of dubbed tele-dramas, films, cartoons and documentaries he brought for viewers. The Sunday Observer spoke to Athula Ransirilal, a pupil of Thotawatte and the Director of Film and Dubbing Unit at the Rupavahini Corporation, to discuss Titus Thotawatte’s service to the Sinhala television dubbing art. Excerpts Q: First, tell us how you met Titus Thotawatte? A: I met him at the Rupavahini Corporation in 1984. At the time, I worked under Madawala S. Rathnayake at the ...

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