New York based NGO points finger at Lanka again Source:Island The New York based Human Rights Watch has accused Sri Lanka of using emergency regulations to harass and arbitrarily detain activists seeking political reform and accountability over the country’s economic crisis. In a statement, HRW said since Ranil Wickremesinghe was sworn in as President on July 21, 2022, the police and military have sought to curtail protests through the intimidation, surveillance, and arbitrary arrests of demonstrators, civil society activists, lawyers, and journalists. Anti-government protests in Colombo and elsewhere in the country led the then-President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to flee the country before resigning on July 15. On July 22, President Wickremesinghe ordered security forces to disperse protesters and break up their main site in central Colombo. The police have subsequently targeted perceived protest leaders for arrest and detention. “The Sri Lankan government’s crackdown on peaceful dissent appears to be a misguided ...

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Unlucky cook and lucky crooks Source:Island The hunt for anti-government protesters continues apace. The police are all out to net them. A cook finds himself in the soup, having stolen two television sets from Temple Trees while the place was being occupied by the anti-government protesters recently. He has been remanded. Another person has been taken into custody for removing an electric iron from the President’s House. But those who stole billions of rupees from the state coffers are going places, and having others arrested for lesser offences! The high-octane performance of the Sri Lanka police is really amazing and needs to be appreciated. All those who damaged the President’s House, Temple Trees, the Prime Minister’s Office and the Presidential Secretariat, stole goods from those places, and torched other properties including President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s private residence must be brought to justice. But the problem is that the government is apparently ...

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Time for ‘System Change’ By Dr. Tilak S. Fernando The Seventh Executive President of the Socials Republic of Sri Lanka, Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapaksa RWP RSP, finally had to leave the country after a public campaign that commenced on March 31, 2022 at his private residence in Mirihana, Nugegoda. On June 9, followed a rampage when protesters at Galle Face were allegedly beaten up by Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) supporters, with iron bars and sticks. Among the protesters were looters and thugs who misbehaved engaging in looting and arson where substantial modern houses of Parliamentarians and Government Ministers suffered heavy losses, including their luxury vehicles. Gotabaya Rajapaksa was given a grace period of one month to step down from the Presidency. After a month, on July 9 large crowds made a forced entry into the President’s House at Fort, Colombo just before the President left the President’s House. ‘GotaGoHome’ was ...

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Good and the Bad of Ranil – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Published in News in Asia International Democratic Union hails Ranil’s election as President. The International Democrat Union (IDU) is an international alliance of centre-right political parties. Headquartered in Munich, Germany, the IDU consists of 84 full and associate members from 65 countries. The Worldwide Democrat Union (IDU) congratulates Ranil Wickremesinghe on his election because the eighth President of Sri Lanka. President Wickremesinghe takes workplace in essentially the most difficult political and financial state of affairs the nation has ever confronted. The mismanagement below the earlier President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and the corruption of the Rajapaksa household have led the nation right into a state of collapse. President Wickremesinghe is essentially the most skilled politician Sri Lanka can entrust with the management of the nation on this state of affairs. As a six-time prime minister, he has confirmed that he can ...

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All-Party Government will strengthen parliamentary democracy – Dr. Susil Premajayantha – By UDITHA KUMARASINGHE Source : sundayobserver Leader of the House and Education Minister Dr. Susil Premajayantha said that forming an All-Party Government would pave the way to strengthen parliamentary democracy. The Minister in an interview with the Sunday Observer said at present the whole world is looking at us so that it would be a very good message for the international community and the financial institutions such as World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Asian Development Bank and donor countries to reconsider their stance towards Sri Lanka. He said the ulterior motive of certain groups is to capture power outside the Constitution. However, most of the people who participated in those protests are not in that line. First we should restore the law and order in the country and guarantee the supply of essential items such as foods and implement a ...

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SriLanka’s state-run SriLankan Airlines pays bond interest after sovereign debt default Source:Economynext ECONOMYNEXT – State-owned SriLankan Airlines will settle an interest payment of a 175 million US dollar sovereign guaranteed debt, the loss making carrier said on Tuesday, after the country failed to pay foreign sovereign debts since mid April. Sri Lanka’s central bank and finance ministry have suspended all its foreign debts including interest payments with effect from April 12 and declared a “soft” sovereign debt default after the island nation’s usable foreign currency reserves declined to near zero amid a balance of payment crisis. Since then, the government defaulted an interest payment of 78 million US dollar of a sovereign bond on May 19 after one month grace period. Central Bank Governor Nandalal Weerasinghe has said no foreign debts will be repaid until the external loans are restructured. ...

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Sri Lanka’s Future May Not Be All That Bleak – By Luke Hunt A conversation with economist Ganeshan Wignaraja. Source : COLOMBO — Sri Lanka’s Acting President Ranil Wickremesinghe has declared yet another State of Emergency ahead of the next sitting of Parliament, whern politicians have promised an All Party Government (APG) will be formed and a new president elected this week. The next task will be to negotiate an IMF bailout, this country’s 17th since independence  in 1948, and a restructuring of debts totaling $51 billion while reining in hyperinflation, ending acute fuel shortages, and sending children back to school. It’s a big ask. Ganeshan Wignaraja is an internationally known development economist. He is a non-resident senior fellow at the Institute of South Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore and a senior research associate at ODI Global in London. Wignaraja spoke with The Diplomat’s Luke Hunt about ...

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A childhood friend of Ranil – Attorney-At Law Deepthi Liyanage speaks to the Sunday Observer Ranil with the Royal College Rugby team of 1968 Source:Sundayobserver Achildhood friend of Ranil Wickremesinghe and Dinesh Gunawardena- speaks to the Sunday Observer. Q: How did you become childhood friends with the current President Ranil Wickremesinghe? A: I became friends with Ranil even before we became classmates at Royal College. My father was appointed as the Editor of Silumina by D.R Wijewardene. His daughter Nalini, married Esmond Wickremesinghe. They were Ranil’s parents. As children Ranil and I would play at his grandfather D.R Wijewardene’s house in Hunupitiya. That was not a mere house but a palace. Q: Around when did you and Ranil begin your school lives? A: In 1954 the Royal College had two Sinhala medium classes along with a Tamil medium and English medium class each. Ranil and I started school on the same day. ...

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DR. INDRAJIT COOMARASWAMY SAYS SL ECONOMIC RECOVERY REQUIRES PAINFUL TREATMENT Source:Lankanewsweb Highly respected eminent economist and former Central Bank Governor Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy has said the economic recovery will require painful treatment whilst expressing hopes that President Ranil Wickremesinghe would take all the tough decisions to avoid the disastrous situation. “President Wickremesinghe is economically very literate. He knows what has to be done. At times, it has been difficult for him or any other politician to get it done, given the political dynamics and that toxic populist politics and entitlement culture that has driven the economy to where it is today. But, if President Wickremesinghe understands this reality , he can get it done and tackle the economic crisis ,” Dr. Coomaraswamy said in an interview with The Wire on Saturday. ...

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WHAT NEXT? HOW DO WE PROCEED TO REBUILD SRI LANKA Source:Island President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is gone. He has left the country in shambles. Unfortunately the sycophants and those who were under obligation to follow the law of the jungle are still around. There is a total breakdown in adherence to laws, rules and regulations thanks to Ministers asserting their power to hire and fire. The Ministers do not respect the need for public servants to adhere to their rules and regulations. I think the most important change that has to be introduced, is to ensure that the Public Service and the Judiciary are made sacrosanct and allowed to operate without any political interference. In days gone by we had a Civil Service which had qualified individuals who knew what was expected from them and they were allowed to do their work without political interference. The observance of closed services where ...

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