Collapse of the Aragalaya Protesters in their thousands stormed the President’s House, the Presidential Secretariat and Temple Trees on July 9. Picture by Rukmal Gamage Source:Dailynews On July 9, it looked as if Sri Lanka was undergoing a “revolution” spearheaded by “peoples’ power” in the raw. Massive crowds had converged on Colombo to force President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to quit. The Presidential Palace, the Presidential Secretariat and the Prime Minister’s office were stormed, vandalized, and occupied. But the most striking act was the burning of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe’s personal residence, a repository of thousands of books and rare objet d’art. Sections of the political class, savouring the anti-Government moves with delight, hailed the events as a triumph of the “popular will” over the “corrupt” Establishment. Constitutionalism was devalued. More shockingly, a former Commander of the Sri Lankan Army, a war hero and the country’s only Field Marshal, urged the Security ...

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Emergency will not be extended beyond Aug. 18: President – By Yohan Perera Source : dailymirror The emergency regulations which is currently in force in the country, will not be extended after August 18, President Ranil Wickremesinghe announced today.  Speaking during the 35th annual conference of Organisation of Professional Associations (OPA), President Wickremesinghe said emergency will be allowed to lapse. “I will not extend emergency and will let it lapse on August 18,” the President said.  Mr. Wickremesinghe who promised a system change, said both the economy and the political system will be restricted. We intend to turn Parliament into a government and will have oversight committee. There will be a committee on state enterprise reforms, ways and means committee. Youth members from outside Parliament will be appointed to each Committee. We will also have a national council comprising of all parties,” he said.  Coming up with another move by the ...

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Harsha: Will RW use Emergency to steamroller his economic reforms?-By Saman Indrajith Source:Island SJB MP Harsha de Silva yesterday asked President Ranil Wickremesinghe whether the latter was planning to use Emergency powers to suppress the people who might oppose his economic reform agenda. “It is being asked why the government wants to continue the State of Emergency. The anti-government protesters have gone home. There is no unrest. There are those who say that the President wants to keep the Emergency laws to carry out economic reforms. Does that mean the President will use these laws to scare people into submission if they do not accept his economic reforms? I don’t think people can be intimidated. I want the President to answer this question,” he said. MP de Silva said that the government did not have public support and that it was obvious that the spectre of the Rajapaksas was haunting ...

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Democracy safeguarded – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Transcript: *The government formed constitutionally voted by the people will continue. *Activists leave Galle Face protest site An event held at the ‘Agitation Site’ close to the Galle Face Green, Colombo this evening to remember the people’s heroes who sacrificed their lives in the struggle, reiterating they are always immortal! Pix by Waruna Wanniarachchi “If we lost the control of the Parliament since the system of governance will collapse, the Ministry of Defence cannot function. That is the reason to entrust you to fulfil that responsibility. Accordingly, there was no need to shoot the people who came to take over the Parliament. I thank and praise all of you for such professionalism though; several of your men were injured. The situation in the country changed the next day because there was security. Actress and GotaGoGama activist Damitha Abeyratne said today that they have ...

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Government lifts import ban on glyphosate Source:Dailymirror The Finance Ministry has lifted the import ban on the popular weedicide glyphosate with effect from August 5 while allowing glyphosate imports into the country subject to import control license requirement. According to the Gazette Extraordinary No 2291/44 signed by President Ranil Wickremesinghe as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilisation and National Policies, N-(phosphonomethyl) Glycine and its salts and derivatives (Glyphosate) has been removed from the ban list of goods specified in schedule four in the Gazette Extraordinary No.2044140 published on November 09, 2017, as amended. ...

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Economic crisis: 100,000 families already starving – By Ifham Nizam Govt. to provide monthly assistance package – official Source : Plans are underway to assist an average needy family of  four with a monthly package of Rs. 15,000, a senior adviser to President Ranil Wickremesinghe said yesterday, adding that the move was expected to help ameliorate the plight of nearly 65,000 families. Food Security Committee Chairman Dr. Suren Batagoda told The Island yesterday that at present some 100,000 families across the country were starving. He said financial assistance would be provided to those families for three months. Within three months, the government would design a package in the form of food stamps, etc. Dr. Batagoda said the World Food Programme, UNICEF, the World Bank, and state agencies would also team up to strengthen food security, focusing especially on needy pregnant mothers and pre-school children. ...

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Sri Lanka – Economic Progress – Dr Harold Gunatillake Transcript As reported by By Shabiya Ali Ahlam of Daily Mirror Sri Lanka as a nation must step up efforts to establish a social market economy, so that going forward the people can move forward with the assurance of sustainable growth and development, President Ranil Wickremesinghe said. Wickremesinghe, speaking at a conference yesterday that was aimed at reforming Sri Lanka’s current economic status, indicated that more must be done to bridge the inequality prevailing in the country and ensure all sections of the people across the island grow and reap the benefits of development and prosperity. “Just as much as we must make money and make bigger profits, there must be more money available to the people. The housing needs must be met in the next 15 to 20 years. “Poverty should no longer be existent the rural areas of Sri ...

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Grace period to deposit undeclared foreign currency Source:Sundayobserver The Finance Ministry has decided to give a one-month grace period to deposit in licensed commercial banks any amount of undisclosed foreign currencies including US Dollars and UK Sterling Pounds earned by Sri Lankan citizens through various channels without any legal impediment or restrictions. Finance Ministry sources said this measure was referred to President and Finance Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe’s approval on Friday, August 5. An opportunity will be given to people to deposit any amount of foreign currencies earned through foreign employment, tourism, various other programs and overseas training and workshops and which they still have in their possession during this grace period. However, they will not have to disclose how they came into possession of such foreign currency and there will not be any penalties for not declaring them earlier. ...

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SRI LANKA NEEDS POLICY CORRECTION – by N.S.Venkataraman Photo Source : here appears to be an unanimous view in Sri Lanka and other countries that appointment of the Ranil Wickremesinghe   as President of Sri Lanka is the best decision that has  happened in the present turbulent time in Sri Lanka.  Ranil  Wickremesinghe has served as Prime Minister of Sri Lanka six times  and he has not completed full term even once and is not   generally recognised as an exceptional administrator.  However, he has been recognised as a reliable and decent and least controversial  person by popular view  and that is perhaps why governance of Sri Lanka has been handed over to him.  Except a few professional demonstrators in Sri Lanka , the country is ,by and large , willing to support him if he would take appropriate policy decisions and implement them in a pragmatic way. This is a good situation ...

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Social market economy need of the hour for Sri Lanka: President – By Shabiya Ali Ahlam Indicates the need to ensure no segment is left behind in ongoing economic reconstruction efforts Says just as much as there is a need to make higher profits, more money must be available for the people Asserts highly competitive economy cannot run on low wages Assures SL will not go back to ‘old’ systems Stresses the need for change and increase in income  Says without prioritising economy nothing can be achieved   Source : By Shabiya Ali Ahlam Sri Lanka as a nation must step up efforts in establishing a social market economy, so that going forward the people can move forward with the assurance of sustainable growth and development, President Ranil Wickremesinghe said.  Wickremesinghe, speaking at a conference yesterday that was aimed at reforming Sri Lanka’s current economic status, indicated that more must ...

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