Good News FromJayam May 15, 2022 Pls Scroll Down 35 items Please click on link below for website and past issues It’s Summer in Los Angeles Buddhists, Christians and Muslims Celebrate Ramazan at Galle Face, Colombo The Muslim community organized an alms-giving for the Maha Sangha at Galle Face to mark the end of Ramazan fasting season. A nun and a cleric serving meals to the Maha Sangha at the event. Ven.Omalpe Sobitha Thera and Ven. Rajawatte Vappa Thera were present along with the clergy. Ambassador Dr Palitha Kohona Presents His Letter of Credence to The President of Mongolia Ambassador Dr. Palitha Kohona, who is concurrently accredited as the Ambassador to Mongolia, presented his Letter of Credence to the President of Mongolia, H.E. KhurelsukhUkhnaa on 27 April 2022. Arriving at the State House for the Credentials Ceremony, Ambassador Dr Palitha Kohona, inspected a ceremonial guard of honour and was accorded an extended meeting by the President, ...

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Ramazan spirit endures amid pandemic Source:Island This will be a sombre Ramazan, indeed, with the country under a lockdown. But the spirit of Ramazan lives on in all Muslims. Ramadan, also referred to as Ramazan, Ramzan, or Ramadhan, in some countries, is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and Muslims the world over dedicate this holy month for fasting, prayer, reflection and community. Although most non-Muslims associate Ramazan, solely with fasting, it is believed to bring Muslims closer to God and inculcate in them qualities such as patience, spirituality, and humility. Those of the Islamic faith believe that fasting redirects one away from worldly activities, cleanses the inner soul and free it from harm. It also teaches self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate and encourage actions of generosity and charity. It is a time of self-examination and increased religious devotion. ...

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