Dr Siri Kannangara in Sydney: A Man for All Seasons Source:Thuppahis Pauline Gunewardene has led and marshalled the Ceylon Society of Australia in its Sydney base and HQ for several years with verve and determination. When she presents a TRIBUTE,  as she does on this occasion for Dr Siri Kannangara, it is a Vale of A Tribute indeed. Vale Dr Siri Kannangara, AM. Truly a giant among men in his life of service. Truly a man to be mourned by all, as we do as an entire community, joined together in grieving for the passing of this man of boundless compassion for everyone, giving so generously of his services without limits, in the true spirit of helping his fellow humans on this path of life.  May you attain the Supreme Bliss of Nibbana. ………… “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded.”  Ralph ...

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  “DIGEST YOUR READING” – By Des Kelly Source:Digest Let it not be said that eLanka ever fails to be interesting. This writer began serious “sniffing” of pages of old print, out of glorious volumes of gilt-edged tomes, at age 5 & a half, fell in love (as they say) with reading, pestering Rev. Mother Brittall, an English Nun, who was Librarian of my 1st School, with teaching me the meaning of those huge 5 letter words, before going on to read anything I could lay my hands on. Say no more. I have always been an ardent fan of a little Magazine called Readers’ Digest, collected them for years, and so if you ever want to “DIGEST YOUR READING” , try this Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief.)–eLanka. Friends….Do PLEASE  read and ingest the 19 Powerful Quotes on Kindness…Very inspiring Words of kindness Kindness quotes are a good reminder for everyone on ...

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