Life at St. Anthony’s, Kandy-BY DR. JAYAMPATHY WICKRAMARATNE Source:Sackoba When I came to St. Anthony’s for the admission test, I knew only three complete English sentences: My name is J. Wickramaratne; My father is R. Wickramaratne; We live in Udispattuwa. The English test was a disaster. The questions on the board were in flowing letters. At the village school in the foothills of the Knuckles Range, I had been taught only to use block letters. I asked the supervisor what the first question was. “Write 10 sentences about the dog” he explained in Sinhala. I only knew that “balla” meant dog and had no option but to give a blank paper. Probably because I had done well in Sinhala and Arithmetic, I was selected. I will remember St. Anthony’s as the school that taught me English. The first few months were really difficult, but I survived. We boarders were quite ...

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