Oral cancer: Essentials for the Dental Practitioner – By Professor Saman Warnakulasuriya Source: Newsletter of the College of General Dental Practitioners of Sri Lanka   Oral cancer remains an important public health problem, in Sri Lanka and in many south Asian Countries. The disease affects both men and women and all racial groups. The mean age at presentation is around 60 years but oral and oropharyngeal cancers are now becoming more common in younger ages. Oral cancer is predominantly found among tobacco users, betel-quid chewers and people who drink alcohol to an excess (1). It is estimated that around 75% of oral cancer deaths are due to risky lifestyle habits. A proportion of oral cancers are preceded by potentially malignant disorders (earlier referred to as precancerous lesions and conditions). These include oral leukoplakia, erythroplakia, lichen planus and oral submucous fibrosis (2). A proportion of oral cancers are preceded ...

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