Over 100,000 Lankans migrated for overseas employment in 2021-by Lahiru Fernando The Voice of Migrants held a two-day workshop on matters of labour migration, which was attended by the SLBFE. Source:Dailynews Nearly 110,000 Sri Lankans migrated for foreign employment as at the end of this year, said Additional General Manager (International Affairs) of the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) Mangala Randeniya. He was speaking at a two-day programme held on December 16 and 17 at the JAIC Hilton organized by the Voice of Migrants, a coalition of 23 national and grassroots civil society organizations, trade unions, lawyers and international NGOs working on matters of labour migration. Randeniya said a total of 109,075 Sri Lankans left the country for foreign employment this year. Even amidst the global pandemic, over 53,000 Sri Lankans had left for foreign employment last year, he said. ...

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