`The Pride of Sri Lanka’…2008 by Max Gerreyn A welcome e’mail from my friend in W.A., who was one of the top cartoonists in Lanka, and continues his great work, as shown below. He could not have timed this work any better, with all the hullabaloo going on, at the moment, with Aussie Cricket, possible ratification for the absurd ramifications of the Australian Cricket Board, who should have accepted their share of the blame for the “ball-tampering” episode that banned three of Australia’s best Cricketers for a very long time. (the ban is still in force).As the editor of eLanka, I did write, during the hubbub, that, while these three players did the wrong thing, and, together with their Coach, at the time, deserved SOME punishment, but certainly not be treated as criminals, while the “Board” sat in judgement, trying to look blameless about the whole affair. As I said ...

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