An open letter to Presidential Election candidates: Legalise fairer and voter friendly alternative to replace complex Mixed Member Voting (MMV) and Preference voting (‘Manape’) systems before next General and PC Elections. – By Bernard fernando  As you are aware, the weaknesses and shortcomings in our Political and Electoral systems have over the last several decades allowed power hungry, mediocre and nepotic politicians to rule the roost in our Parliament. They were desperately upstaged by the epic amalgam of “People’s uprising’’ through the ‘Peaceful new generation Aragalaya-2022’ and the Country’s declared‘Bankruptcy’. The gross disregard to ‘Meritocracy’ in the selection of Peoples representatives and pervasive injustice due to aversion towards law and order were overpoweringly brought home by their slogans-“What is the point of an educated population if the decision makers are uneducated” and “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty”. This overwhelming and glaring truth makes any measure of research absolutely ...

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