A voter’s simple and accurate alternative for Preference voting (‘Manape’) and complex Mixed Member Voting (MMV) systems.   The historic amalgam of “People’s uprising’’ through the ‘Peaceful new generation Aragalaya-2022’ and the Country’s declared ‘Bankruptcy’ has provided overwhelming and glaring evidence that cannot be matched by any measure of research, regarding the weaknesses in our Electoral system which has over the last several decades allowed Powerhungry,mediocre and nepotic politicians to rule the roost in our Parliament. Thus, the following urgent ‘System changes’ are proposed to our existing Electoral system based on principles of Equality, Accuracy and Meritocracy which are essential prerequisites for a true Representative Democracy which is sadly lacking in the present system. 1.Ensure ‘Equality of ballot’ as per the Constitution and UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights(1948) by accurate allocation of seats to Parties based simply on their National vote % as published officially by National Election Commission ...

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