Resistant starchy foods play a significant role in managing diabetes and promoting good health. – By Dr. Harold Gunatillake Scientists have discovered a simple   way to cook rice that dramatically   cuts the calories.   Hello viewers, today’s topic may come as a shock, but it will be welcome news for  people with diabetes who are often restricted in their dietary choices. Your  endocrinologist will tell you you must limit your carbohydrate intake to low-glycemic  index (GI) foods and control your gastric load (GL).  As you know, all dietary carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and absorbed  through the gut into the portal veins, which then go directly to the liver.  When glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream, it causes an immediate spike in  blood sugar levels, especially in people with diabetes. This can lead to a range of  symptoms and, if not managed, can have serious long-term effects on health.   ...

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“What are prebiotics, and why is it important to know?” – By Dr. Harold Gunatillake Prebiotics are non-digestible parts of food  labelled carbohydrates that act as fibre.  Unchanged, they go to the colon, where  microorganisms of the intestinal microbiota  use them. They become food for “good.”  intestinal bacteria and promote their growth, colonisation, and sustainability in the digestive tract. Dietary fibre is fermented by the human gut microbiota, producing beneficial microbial metabolites, such as short chain fatty acids.  As our dietary fibre intake has plummeted over  the past few centuries, the gut microbiota has suffered detrimental changes. This underscores the crucial role of prebiotics, which are unique   plant fibres, in maintaining a healthy gut.   Welcome to our deep dive into the world of prebiotics, the unsung heroes of  gut health. Today, we’ll explore the essential facts about these powerful  dietary fibres and their incredible benefits for our bodies.  Consider this: nearly 40 per ...

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Looking after your gut health – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: Modern lifestyle harms our digestion, causing health issues. But, we can improve our gut health and overall well-being by making smarter food choices and simple lifestyle changes. Gut health is often overlooked in our daily lives. The healthy gut’s primary function is to break down the food we eat and absorb nutrients that keep our body functioning correctly. Research in the medical community has shown that the gut plays a crucial role in our overall health. Specifically, the gut microbiome in our large intestines is essential for maintaining good gut health and can impact every organ in our body. Further, the gut connects with the brain through the long vagus nerve. Hence, the gut is referred to as the second brain. Hidden in the walls of our digestive system are marshalling neurons and supporting cells. The Enteric Nervous ...

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