Sri Lankan cinnamon – By eLanka Sri Lankan cinnamon, known as Ceylon cinnamon, has a rich and storied history that dates back thousands of years. Here are some key points in the history of Sri Lankan cinnamon: Ancient and Medieval Periods Ancient Trade: Ceylon cinnamon has been a prized commodity since antiquity. It was known to traders from Egypt, China, and Arabia. The ancient Egyptians used cinnamon in their embalming process and as a flavoring in food and drink. It was also highly valued in Roman and Greek cultures. Arab Traders: For centuries, Arab traders controlled the cinnamon trade, keeping the true source of cinnamon a closely guarded secret from European markets. They transported it via long overland routes to the Mediterranean, where it was distributed throughout Europe. Colonial Era Portuguese Era (1505-1658): The Portuguese arrived in Sri Lanka in the early 16th century. They quickly recognized the value of ...

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