The Importance of Poson Poya – By Donald Sarath Gunatillake   Source : Qld Sri Lankan Newsletter – Dæhæna – June 2024 Vesak Poson Poya, a deeply significant day in the Buddhist calendar, is celebrated by Buddhists around the world, particularly in Sri Lanka. The day marks two pivotal events in Buddhist history: the Third Buddhist Council and the arrival of Arahath Mahinda in Sri Lanka. The Third Buddhist Council, held in India, was a crucial gathering aimed at purifying Buddhism. Under the leadership of Arahant Moggaliputtatissa Thero, the council took several key decisions to ensure the authenticity and preservation of the Buddha’s teachings. They purified the Buddhist canon, identified the Abhidhamma as a separate basket, thereby completing the Tripitaka, and initiated the dissemination of Buddhism to other countries by sending nine missions. This council was instrumental in spreading Buddhism beyond the Indian subcontinent. Image Source : sarvodayaleisure FaceBook The arrival of ...

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Natural Reserve over 40 years ago-by Lyn de Alwis Source:Island And at last we arrived at Rugamtota! We were on the threshold of Yala’s wonderland beyond the Menik Ganga, with its vast plains from which rose the rock massifs of Banawelkema, Mayagala and Muduntalawa. There had been many a time when I sat on a fallen kumbuk log in front of our Kosgasmankada camp and gazed at the thick jungle across the river, roadless, impenetrable except on foot and with only rock caves to shelter in. I would go there one day! I thought. Here I was, with the cream of Yala’s fearless men: K. David, W.L.A. Piyadasa and Kirineris led by the most senior Game Ranger and tough leader, G.N.Q. de Silva. We forded the river with much difficulty, our groaning jeep protesting loudly as we revved up the steep bank of Menik Ganga, there being no easy bridges ...

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