Presidential El Presidential Election and Colvin’s dejection  By Dr .Tilak S. Fernando Among  the mixed bag of collection on Nicky Karunaratne’s exposures of masked characters  of yester year in this country, especially the so-called Socialist comrades, who have been cheating and misleading the innocent public,  Nicky Karunaratne found   another week in 2004 April. Well! Going  by  Nicky Karunaratne’s  revelations that keeps on unwinding gradually and continuously, it is beginning to unravel more under for so long! As many interesting disclosures become  exposed in the future, one thing that will register  in readers’ mind would be the stand taken by the patriotic Sri Lankan, who had been disillusioned at first, but his country on top of politics, as time passed by. The second Presidential election held in 1982, was fought amongst the candidates, was fought amongst the candidates in a competitive atmosphere. They were Colvin Reginald Silva, Hector Kobbekaduwa, Kumar Ponnamblam,  ...

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