Early childhood in Ceylon, the Pearl of the Indian Ocean A Migrants Story – Part 3 –  BY RON PIERIS The days and life in Ceylon were both simple and enjoyable. Most kids were brought up with good morals, manners and etiquette to respect others and elders. Enter after a lady or an elder. Hold a door open for others. Simple acts that did not cost a cent.  We played in the sand. Played marbles and gudu. Danced in the rain. Climbed trees.  There were no phones or tablets. We made do with wooden toys that we dragged along with a piece of twine. I was given a tricycle when I reached 12 and it was the love of my life!! I was the envy of the neighbourhood!!  We were brought up on a tablespoon of Seven Seas Cod liver Oil. Whenever we fell sick, which was rare, an icebag ...

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