NSW FEDERATION OF COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SCHOOLS INC. P.O Box 525, DULWICH HILL NSW 2203, Phone: 02 9558 6134 E-mail: nswfcls@bigpond.com  Website: www.nswfcls.org.au Media Release Community language students to show off their culture in the Sydney Town Hall  Spectacular   27.05.24 Scores of young students of community languages will present their culture on the stage of  Sydney Town Hall this weekend. The Spectacular is organised by the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools. The Federation President, Lucia Johns, said today: “This a wonderful opportunity for the children of many cultural backgrounds to showcase the songs, dances and music of their parents’ homelands. “ Obviously to know and learn a language fully, the children at our schools also have to learn the culture that supports that language. “Twelve months ago, we trialled this concept in the Lower Town Hall to great success with the children demonstrating in a spectacular way that what ...

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