HAND SANITISER IS CREATING SUPERBUGS, NOT DESTROYING THEM Thamasha Perera & Anna Lim Bristol It’s 5.30pm. You’re on the tube, and it’s saturated with that damp warm air that marks the transition from spring to summer. Everyone is tired, grubby from traffic fumes and just a little bit sweaty. You go to grab a pole because as usual there are no empty seats when UGH! Unholy horror! The pole comes pre-moistened with the sticky fingerprints and mysterious bodily fluids of your fellow humans. Shuddering, you open the zippy pocket on your bag and take out the emergency bottle of antibacterial hand sanitiser you keep for emergencies such as this… STOP RIGHT THERE. BACK UP A SPACE (DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200). BBC London released a video on social media a few days ago which reported that microbiologists from London Metropolitan University have discovered 95 different microbes on ...

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