What Colour is Your Parachute? by Capt Elmo Jayawardena A few years ago there was an extremely popular book in North America called “What Colour is Your Parachute?”  It is a great book that all young people who leave universities from all parts of the planet should read. The contents wise up the reader what they need to do to get into some suitable employment. Theoretically very good, practically too it gets a pass mark, the book certainly is sensible. Unfortunately, it also depends on which sky you are walking under. Third world denizens (living below the poverty line) and 4th world ‘super-stars’ like us Sri Lankans (borrowing money to eat) hardly qualify for this floating parachute business. We may have a few colour pens here and there but who has parachutes? For the first and second world countries, it is a cake walk; come home with your degree and ...

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This Is Pretty Fascinating !!! Building the Tesla This Is Pretty Fascinating !!!  From a roll of aluminium to a 4-wheel vehicle in 5 days! 160 ROBOTS,    3,000 EMPLOYEES,    5 DAYS TO A COMPLETED CAR Also, note that most of the components for the car are built in–house.  There are few parts suppliers involved.  The car is built all under one roof!  The only factory is in North America, located just east of Reno, ...

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