Health tip for the Day by Dr harold What is Nitric Oxide? by Dr Harold Gunatillake The benefit to mankind about Nitric oxide was known even 100 years ago when Alfred Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Prize was prescribed nitro-glycerine for his heart attack which relieved him. The doctors at that time did not know that it is the release of nitric oxide that relaxed the coronary vessels and gave relief. Even today, nitro-glycerine combination is available in pill form and spray to use by diagnosed angina pectoris patients. It is a safe idea without swallowing a tablet of aspirin when you experience chest pain whilst driving your vehicle, to carry with you a nitro-glycerine spray. Readers must take this note seriously for instant survival.   Do not confuse nitric oxide with nitrous oxide or laughing gas the anaesthetists use to sedate you before surgery. Nitric oxide molecule is ...

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