Human-Elephant Conflict in Horowpathana-by Kamanthi Wixkramasingha Stepping over the line in Jumbo territory Paddy farmers spend their night on tree houses to chase elephants that come into their fields Source:DailyMirror The Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) recently revealed that 189 elephants have died so far for this year due to the ongoing Human-Elephant Conflict (HEC). Horowpathana, situated deep in the heart of Anuradhapura District, is an area with a severely aggravating HEC. Punctuated with thick jungles, the area has a dense elephant population. However, people have started to encroach (mostly illegal) and have felled trees and burned them for chena cultivations thereby disrupting elephant territory. According to the Horowpathana Police, around five people have died just for this year due to the ongoing HEC. People in areas such as Rasnakawewa, Divulwewa and Dunuaththegama are severely affected by the issue. While on the way to speak to people affected by the ...

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