A TRIP ALONG MEMORY LANE.- By Group Captain (Retd) Tilak Pananwala (Epilogue.- by Bernard VanCuylenburg) Tilak once again has thrown another log on the fire to keep the embers aglow and the old memories aflame.  Although this article which he sent me is one of mirth and fun, it is tinged with a great deal of sadness since it involves partings…….and partings at the best of times are not easy. Apart from parting from some stalwart cricketers who were his team mates, the final parting with Reverend Brother Columban Macky  at the end will move the hardest heart. And the mention of Rons parents Mr.& Mrs. Barber will surely bring back  pleasant memories to many Anthonians. Memories are life’s greatest treasures. Where would we be without them ? A TRIP ALONG MEMORY LANE.By Group Captain (Retd) Tilak Pananwala. The Anthonian cricket team of 1960 led by Charlie Joseph ...

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