South Asia’s nation-breaking agonies-By Lynn Ockersz Source:Island Title: ‘Civil Wars in South Asia – State, Sovereignty, Development ‘ Editors : Aparna Sundar and Nandini Sundar Publisher: SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd. ( Afghanistan’s ongoing agonies and the dramatic ripples caused by them in regional and global inter-state politics should render this collection of valuable research papers titled, ‘Civil Wars in South Asia – State, Sovereignty, Development ‘compulsory reading for both the specialist in international politics and the lay reader with an abiding interest in the subject. Written by erudite researchers in global politics, the papers concerned throw up ample insights of great value into the political, economic and military convulsions that are currently gripping the majority of South and South West Asian states. The divisive issues in Afghanistan and those that are, and have been, erupting in its neighbouring states, besides calling for in-depth study and analysis, make it essential ...

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