We were here before the arrival of Vijaya-Nadira Gunatilleke Source:Daily News The Fa Hien Caves, where humans had lived more than 45,000 years ago. Individuals and groups make various statements to support their claims to land, but very few can provide real proof of their arguments. They have no historical evidence to prove their right to a land. We are talking about the indigenous people of Sri Lanka, the real owners of this land and the real identity of the Sinhalese who have been living in Sri Lanka long before Vijaya arrived from India. Therefore, it is amusing to note how some politicians from a certain part of Sri Lanka describe certain names and places as a heritage of their ethnicity and culture. Several different indigenous clans lived in Sri Lanka during the pre-Vijaya era (before 505 BCE). These clans are mentioned in the great epics, the Mahabaratha, Mahavamsa, Manimekalai, ...

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Unofficial ‘caretaker’ of Sinharaja – (Introduction by Des Kelly) With deforestation going on, around the World, here is something much closer to “home”, well written, and most interesting to, not only Lankan/Aussies, but, I suppose, all of us, in that, this is a major problem, flora & fauna are being affected, big time, and unless we take notice of people like Martin, the extinction of all and sundry is going to be a very sad fact of life, before too long.    As for Martin Wijesinghe, I would not refer to him simply as “Caretaker”, I would change the title of this man as the “Unofficial King of Sinharaja” (It rolls off the tongue, easily)      Desmond Kelly    (Editor-in-Chief).—eLanka. Martin Wijesinghe – Unofficial ‘caretaker’ of Sinharaja – By Nadira Gunatilleke Source: Daily News Martin Wijesinghe is one of the significant personalities in Sri Lanka. He has expertise in indigenous medicine, biology, zoology, ...

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