Myths seem to escape reasoning and remain indecipherable Though mysterious – BY – François Dor Source: Island Myths describe the creation of the world, the actions of the first humans. Though mysterious, these stories seem to escape reasoning, and remain indecipherable. It gets more disturbing that they constitute our foundation, our first memory.   However, based on the recent science that embryology is a new perspective about the foundation, myths show that they are the fetal memory of embryogenesis. Would it be the case of the Sinhalese founding myth?   “The origin of the Sinhalese race, like that of any other ancient race, is partly historical and partly mythological…Ancient races have sought the most fantastic origins for themselves. Some have claimed direct descent from the Creator himself; others from the Sun or the Moon. We claim a Lion as our ancestor, hence ‘Sinha-la’ or Lion Blood…Two adjacent countries, Vanga and Kalinga (Bengal and Orissa), ...

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